Peaceful After the Storm

It’s so peaceful now. Something I couldn’t say 20 minutes ago. A storm raged thru and it seemed to go on and on and on. I’m really not sure how long it lasted, but I’m quite sure it was approaching an hour.

Rain ☔

It rained hard.

Lightning ⚡  

Bright flashes of light and a booming thunder. 

Then the hail came. Not once. Not twice. And then I lost count.

First Naomi came into my bed. The storm eventually woke Lili and she climbed into bed with me. Soon after, FS1 was nearly at a run, scared to be alone in his room. Three kids in my bed with me. Only FS2 sleeping thru the flashing and noise.

It’s peaceful after the storm. No rain falling. The storm gone, at least for now.

I lay here thinking of my day, longing for more sleep, but soon it will be time to start the day. A day that marks a milestone. The day FS2 has officially been with us longer than he was with his dad and mom.

It’s peaceful after the storm.
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One comment

  1. Hope there wasn’t any serious damage. It is so sad about FS2 but at least he has a secure home and love with your family. Will you adopt or is there a chance these young boys could be returned to their parents? Do the parents visit. Poor little Mites. Laura

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