A Hot Minute

It has definitely been a hot minute since I posted anything out here. 

Our life is never dull, so it isn’t a case of not having content. It’s simply the case of time. Not that time can’t be found. Honestly, I just haven’t taken the time.

So, what blog content do I have?

I had surgery to remove my gallbladder.

We went on another cruise which was much more fun than having my gallbladder removed.

Another cruise is on the horizon.

We got to decorate our new house for the Holidays.

We finally connected with our local friends. Such a fun and necessary event.

We have started our garden preparation.

Considering two more house projects.

Our oldest daughter got her first job.

First winter back in Illinois.

Baking bread.



The list goes on and on.

When I will get around to writing all these posts is the real question. I always have the best intentions, then life happens and I get busy doing other things. At least this post is a step in the right direction. 

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