
As hard as we try, we just seem to be drawn into the commercialism of Christmas.  My best intentions of finding or making the most creative gifts tend to get pushed aside.  Amazon becomes my new best friend in an effort to avoid the long lines in the stores.  Still, there is that tiny spark of creativity in me that is fighting to be ignited.  The spark that wants to do something different this year, even if it’s a gift for one or two people.

Today I did it.  No, it’s not a handmade gift, but it’s a gift that will keep on giving throughout the year.  It’s a gift that will allow my girls to express their own creativity and one that I’m quite sure they are going to appreciate each and every month.

Even though I was little late getting it ordered, each of my girls are getting Kiwi Crates.

I came across the company about a year ago and thought “What a great gift idea,” but I didn’t do anything more.  When I came across the company again this year, I started looking thru the website and read this . . . .

Kiwi Crate was built out of a passion for hands-on fun that encourages creativity and curiosity in children. I had a deep appreciation for these projects, but often found that my greatest intentions fell short. It was tough to find the time to come up with engaging hands-on activities, let alone get the materials.

So, as I started to develop creative projects with my kids, I thought, “why not share them with friends, who are also busy?” At playdates, the kids had a bunch of fun, and the parents appreciated having all of the materials and inspiration for the projects provided. Several parents mentioned, “I wish I could do this at home with my kids!”

Kiwi Crate was created to fulfill that wish and to celebrate kids’ natural creativity and curiosity.  We want to make it fun, easy, and delightful to spend time building, exploring and creating together.  Since its inception, the Kiwi Crate team has grown.  We’ve added creative parents who dream up the projects, valued experts who review them, and a community of kid testers who keeps us on our toes and ensures the projects are fun and engaging.

We love working on Kiwi Crate and cherish the involvement that our kids and friends have in bringing the product to life. We’re excited about the opportunity to help provide these types of experiences for your family to share too.

Happy exploring!


Founder, CEO, Mother of Two

My girls love crafts, but they happen to have a mom who isn’t the most creative crafter in the world.  I’m great at pinning things on Pinterest though, just not so great at gathering things together to make all the things I’ve pinned.

Since my girls love getting things in the mail and love crafting, this seemed like the perfect gift.  It’s not something made by one of the big toy manufacturers that will be placed under millions of trees this year only to be soon forgotten.  This is a gift they will look forward to receiving and working on each month.

If you have a craft loving child in your life and are looking for something a little different, check out Kiwi Crates

Now, to try and ignite that spark a little more and try my hand at a homemade gift.  🙂



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